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The 10x Blog is a collection of shared news, knowledge, and inspiration from the world of technology to expand our vision of what life in the future could be.

Great Interview Questions to Ask Freelance Tech Talent

— When interviewing freelance tech talent, it’s crucial to ask questions that not only assess their technical proficiency but also…

Seven Surprising Benefits of Freelance Tech Talent for Nonprofits

— Hiring freelance tech talent offers nonprofit organizations a cost-effective, flexible, and efficient way to access specialized skills, drive innovation,…

Communication & Problem Solving: How to Properly Vet Tech Freelancers

— The demand for tech freelancers is booming. As businesses increasingly rely on technology to thrive, the need for skilled…

Stretch Your Runway: How Freelance Tech Talent Saves Startups Millions (Literally)

— Building a startup is a thrilling, white-knuckle ride. You’re constantly hustling, iterating, and adapting to a dynamic market. The…

A Comprehensive Guide for Nonprofits: Navigating Successful Freelance Engagements

— At 10x Management, we’re experts in helping companies source the right tech talent and setting freelance projects up for…

5 Essential Steps for Successful Freelance Engagements in the Fintech Industry

— Tech projects can sometimes turn into horror stories if not handled properly. When seeking to engage a freelancer for…

Freelancers vs. Full-Time Employees: A Cost Analysis for Your Project

— Let’s play out a hypothetical scenario: you have a new project that will take exactly one year to build…

The Power of a Discovery Phase for Tech Projects

— When solving problems with technology, the journey from the starting line to execution can be daunting. This is where…

Four Strategies for Hiring Freelance Talent in the Evolving Fintech Landscape

The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) sent ripples of uncertainty through the fintech community. Faced with economic instability and…

Three Essential Insights for Managing Remote Tech Talent in Fintech

As remote work becomes increasingly prevalent, the fintech industry is witnessing a surge in remote job openings. The statistics indicate…